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Image by Scott Graham

Our Work

Check out our work below and click "Read More" to learn about each project.

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Tool In Progress
Equity Calculator

The Equity Calculator is a tool to help estimate whether there are noteworthy differences* in program outcomes across groups. It will issue a green flag if outcome numbers across groups are similar, a yellow flag if they are potentially noteworthy differences in outcomes, and a red flag if they are definitively noteworthy, meaning you are observing substantial differences in outcomes between groups.

Head of Household Characteristics

This project complements several other analytic endeavors involving HMIS data by providing operational definitions of households based on the age (adult vs. child) of individuals appearing together in HMIS enrollments. More specifically, we are interested in understanding how the composition of households change across repeated enrollments involving the same Head of Household.

High Utilizers

Individuals and households accessing homelessness and housing support services differ in the frequency and intensity of engagement with these services. This project aims to understand the characteristics of those accessing the system frequently during a specified time period to better understand how care can be directed in a more focused and effective manner.

Innovations and Strategies in the Homeless Service System

In this infographic (and its executive summary) we visual display our findings from focus groups with Arizona’s homeless service providers and administrators about the strategies used to address homelessness in their communities and the evidence-base for these strategies.

In Progress
Encampment Resolution Strategies

This project provides evaluation of the effectiveness of select homeless encampment response strategies in three Arizona counties (Yuma, Pima and Maricopa), incorporating the perspectives of people experiencing homelessness, service providers, and community leaders.

In Progress Findings
211-HMIS Match

This project aims to identify individuals that appear in both statewide 211 and HMIS data using both exact and fuzzy matching. This matched data can be used to answer a host of important questions, including "What are the characteristics of people who call 211 and then show up in HMIS later?"

Returns to Homelessness

This project identified characteristics linked to household profiles and returns to homelessness using association rule mining

Needs and Utilization within Homeless Service System

In this infographic (and its executive summary) we draw on our findings from focus groups with Arizona’s homeless service providers and administrators to provide a framework for thinking about how people experiencing homelessness may use the housing and homelessness system and how this corresponds to their needs and constraints experienced, as well as highlight strategies recommended by providers.

In Progress
Arizona Homelessness Prevention Project

The Arizona Homelessness Prevention Project partners with agencies to prevent, divert, and resolve homelessness. The program includes evaluations by AzHAC to understand success factors and track outcomes. The project aims to improve the housed-to-homeless ratio by sharing information and improving interventions.

Coordinated Entry (CE) Comparison

Compared the performance of two assessment tools used to designate service prioritization scores for individuals and families seeking homelessness services in Arizona: the VI-SPDAT and the newly designed Maricopa Assessment Prioritization (MAP) Tool.

In Progress Tool
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Tool

Tool to help users explore and address social determinants affecting social, economic, and health outcomes in Arizona’s geographic communities

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