Arizona Housing Analytics Collaborative

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Tool
Tool to help users explore and address social determinants affecting social, economic, and health outcomes in Arizona’s geographic communities
The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Interactive Mapping Tool, developed by the Arizona Housing Analytics Collaborative (AzHAC), is designed to help users explore and address social determinants affecting social, economic, and health outcomes in Arizona’s geographic communities. This tool supports two primary purposes:
Strategic Planning: Users can assess community needs (e.g., access to child care, SNAP resources) to plan resource allocation strategically.
For example:
Allocation of New Resources: Overlay selected SDOH data with future/new services to align existing resources with high-need areas.
Reallocation of Existing Resources: Target existing resources by identifying high-need areas within a city or county.
Service Identification and Prioritization: The tool aids in identifying areas where services can have the most significant impact under specific program requirements or budget limitations.
For example:
Service Planning: Use data to plan service provision based on criteria like poverty levels or population characteristics.
Prioritization: For geographic areas with multiple needs, prioritize services/resources based on specific factors (e.g., maximize the impact on underserved or under-resourced populations).
Replication: Leverage community assets to replicate successful approaches in other communities.
The tool features multiple data “buckets” (e.g., population characteristics, community resources, neighborhood attributes, social indicators) covering demographics, education, job access, housing, transportation, food access, healthcare, and neighborhood characteristics. Each bucket includes specific indicators, and users can filter data by county or city, select variables, and view distributions across mapped areas.
Using this tool will support various objectives to
allocate new or existing resources more efficiently and equitably;
provide services to specific areas or populations in need;
prioritize underserved or underresourced Arizona communities
replicate successful approaches in other communities.
Resource: SDOH Tool - For Distribution_v10.30.24.pptx.pdf
Instructions for Using the SDOH Tool
Determine Your Objective/s: Use the example probes below to outline your objectives:
Allocation of New Resources. What data are needed for effective strategic planning to align new resources (e.g., services, funds) with identified needs? (e.g., Where are the highest concentrations of families living in deep poverty in La Paz County, so we can allocate new child wellness services there next year?)
Reallocation of Existing Resources. For the geographic area we serve, what geographic areas and data do we need to align with the needs we aim to address? (e.g., To effectively address food insecurity among seniors, where in Pima County are residents aged 65 and older most concentrated?)
Service Planning. Following criteria-driven service planning, what data do we need to meet geographic or population-level requirements? (e.g., a funder requires we serve geographic areas in Coconino County where 25% of households or less have internet access)
Prioritization. Given limited resources, what data can we use for prioritization and decision-making? (e.g., Based on a set of four community indicators, which six zip codes in Maricopa County should we prioritize?)
Replication. How can we leverage community assets to replicate successful approaches in other communities?
2. Open the Mapping Tool:
Select Your Area of Interest:
Use the County and City filters to select a geographic focus.
Or, select an area of interest by dragging your cursor and creating a boundary around the area of interest.
Choose Relevant Indicators:
From the variable selection list, choose the indicators relevant to your objective. For example, if assessing healthcare needs, select indicators like primary care shortage areas or obesity rates.
Refer to slides 13 to 16 in the “Social Determinants of Health Interactive Mapping Tool PowerPoint” for a list of indicators.
Interpret Data Using Map and Distribution Charts:
View data for selected indicators by hovering over the map. The geographic unit displayed on the map will be at the block group level or census tract.
Use distribution charts and histograms to understand how data points are spread across the selected area, aiding in comparisons and prioritization.
Save or Export Data: This option will soon be available. AzHAC plans to add options for exporting maps or data summaries to support reporting or further analysis.
For assistance, troubleshooting, or analytical support, contact AzHAC at with “SDOH Inquiry.”
Resource: SDOH Tool - For Distribution_v10.30.24.pptx.pdf