Arizona Housing Analytics Collaborative

High Utilizers
Individuals and households accessing homelessness and housing support services differ in the frequency and intensity of engagement with these services. This project aims to understand the characteristics of those accessing the system frequently during a specified time period to better understand how care can be directed in a more focused and effective manner.
Households accessing homelessness and housing support services differ in the frequency and intensity of engagement with these services. More than half of Households accessing services in Maricopa Co. have 2 or fewer HMIS Enrollments per year, however, a small portion (approximately 5%) have more than 8 Enrollments per year. Although many of these Households have complex needs that require frequent engagement, some are likely not receiving the types of services that adequately address the barriers to stable housing that they may face. These analyses seek to understand the characteristics of Households who access the homelessness and housing services system repeatedly during a given year. These insights may be used to better understand how services can be directed in a more focused and effective manner, so that fewer Households experience prolonged bouts of homelessness or housing insecurity.